Two Things
Of course those who encounter the message of Lifetime are transformed. It’s the transformative message of Jesus presented in practical ways.
Anticipating 22
It has been quite difficult for us in the West to separate salvation in Christ from our citizenship in America.
The Two Great Wars
The only way that you, the new person in Christ, will follow after Satan’s temptation is if he can effectively deceive you. Otherwise, your default as a new person, with a new and godly nature, is to live in obedience to God’s will and ways.
Taking Aim at the New Year of 2021
We are redeemed and secured in Christ Jesus. We are so secure in Christ that we can live, and love, and engage society without thought about our foundational acceptance, love, confidence, and security.
An Amplified Christmas Story
Merry Christmas is yours. Christ is come. God is incarnate. You cannot be forsaken by Him. Or, you can watch for your $600 of governmental relief in the mailbox and pledge to treasure it when it arrives.
The Wild Ride of 2020
After my soul has been yanked and yawed for 17 or 18 hours between my noble spirit and my snake-bit body, I sit down on the patio to think a thousand thoughts, while my emotions carrom against my soul’s bumpers, and my self-determination attempts to make a decision regarding life’s demands.
Outside the Box
That God is passionate, persists, and pursues is what He does—and has done since He created mankind.
Fixing Your Eyes on Jesus
Rowing is a two-step process: First, you line up your destination, the boat, and a point behind you. Second, while keeping your eyes fixed on the point behind you, you pull evenly on both oars.
Salt and Light
“My vote—our vote—doesn’t matter. That’s why we’re praying. Besides, there’s nobody Christian running for office.”
If I look askance at September 2020, the basement of my soul floods with anxious thoughts, anger at the duplicity, and indignancy at our arrogance. What are we thinking?
Be shrewd like a serpent: prudent, wise, measured, careful… and if you must, be treacherous.