

I just checked my copy of The Bible.

It is 1181 pages long. Then, I’ve got 96 pages of “Concordance” to help me locate verses using key words. After that, I’ve got 3 pages—arranged alphabetically—containing the “Index to Maps” followed by 9 maps.

That’s it.

I checked the “Table of Contents.” It lists thirty-nine entries within the Old Testament. On the next page, it lists twenty-seven entries for the New Testament. After that, Genesis starts.

No amendments. None.

The Bible is what it is and what it has been for around 1900 years.

As an author, I find this amazing.

As an American who enjoys a remarkable founding document—the envy of the world, by the way—“The United States Constitution” has been amended 27 times. That’s stunningly few. For instance, the Great State of Texas, where I live, is on its fifth constitution since becoming a state. The current constitution, ratified in 1876, has been amended 507 times.

Just to be certain, I checked again. There are no amendments to The Bible.  

To read more about The Bible, may I direct you to chapters 7 & 8 of my latest book, Swagger.