
If a mutating, contagious, killing virus lurks on any public surface and wafts about, atomized, carried along by the breeze, how should we live?

Today. We live today.


I have nothing to offer for tomorrow because it’s not real. Tomorrow is hypothetical. If tomorrow comes, it will then be today—the day we live fully and fully live.

Jesus said, “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Mt. 6:34).

The only thing more viral than this virus is, “what if?” What if I get sick? What if my daughter gets it? What if I die? What if the Chinese started this on purpose? What if the government takes our liberties and doesn’t return them? On and on.

Not one “what if” can be answered today.

Live today 100%. Trust Christ absolutely. Love your family passionately. Whatever is before you today, be all in.



Here’s additional thought for you to consider.