
Death is not to be trifled with. It’s permanent in this life. Anyone who says they do not fear death has not looked it in the eye, measured it against life, and reassessed.

Death is not the way life is supposed to go. Death is an offense, an insult to the living.

Death is a constant—the only sure thing in life.


We are right to respect death and guard ourselves against its reach. But death will come. We don’t know when, but it will come.

Our destiny with death does not leave us hopeless—at least, it shouldn’t. Our appointment with death should make us pragmatists, not just about the certainty of heaven, but about the importance of life.

When death seems near, we can yield to fear or resolve to live this day fully alive.

If you knew today was your final day, how would you live today?

The clarity with which you answer is death’s gift to you.

Here’s some additional perspective.