You Belong

Nothing runs like a Deere

Nothing runs like a Deere

My truck belongs to me. I bought it.

I belong to Dianne, not because she bought me, but because I agreed to be hers alone.

I belong to God. He bought me. I also belong to Him because I agreed to be His alone.

Now that I belong to God, it’s not possible to un-belong or no longer belong. I’m His and He is mine.

I could sell my truck and Dianne could die, but God cannot die and will never let go of me.

When God made me His, He bonded us together so tightly that He and I became one. To tear us apart would ruin us both and that is inconceivable.

Now, I can relax. I’m secure.  

Ref.: 1 Corinthians 7:23; Song of Solomon 2:16; Philippians 1:21; John 1:12; Romans 8:31-39; 1 Corinthians 6:17; 1 Timothy 1:17



