Shadows of Truth



We’ve got bias, spin, and fakes; there’s bigotry, sexism, racism, hatred.

Meanwhile, we raise kids, earn a living, nurture friendships, secure our finances, and cling to faith. The question is:

Midst all the rancor, where is God?

James wrote that God has no variance or shifting shadow (1:17). The word in the original language that conveys this gives us the English word, parallax—which refers to the apparent movement of objects when viewed from different angles.

James is saying, no matter how you look at God, He’s the same—and since He is light, and there is no darkness in Him, He casts no shadow.

If your concept of God allows for bias, slant, bigotry, sexism, etc., James is saying that you have an incorrect view of God.

If your soul is twisting with angst inside our duplicitous society, James is recommending that you look at God in whom there is no slant, no variance, no spin, and no shadow.

Further thoughts are here.




Not Too Forward