

Paschal observed that there is a God-shaped vacuum inside every person.

One perspective is of trying to fill the void with something—anything—other than God. As grand as money is, as glorious as sex is, and as remarkable as power is, by simple observation it is clear that there is not enough money, sex, or power to satisfy the vacuum.

The other perspective is of placing God into the God-shaped vacuum to fill the vacuum, satisfy, and fulfill.

While you can find the concepts of enough, sufficient, fulfilled, and sated in the Bible, the predominate picture is that God is more than enough, all-sufficient, and over-flowing.

God is not satisfactory. He’s super-abundant and more than we could ever ask or think (cf. Eph. 3:20).

Life according to this world is accompanied by a soul-sucking sound. Life in the Spirit is accompanied by the sound of a soul running over.

Here are a few more words about a rich life.


The Divide

