Bad Tired

My bed in Lviv (Ukraine)

My bed in Lviv (Ukraine)

There’s good tired and there’s bad tired. Good tired responds to a good night of sleep. Bad tired does not respond to sleep, and in fact, often prevents a good night’s sleep.

If you’re bad tired, your soul is fatigued, not from working hard, but from the hard labor of managing stress. This is not a news flash. Everyone knows stress is bad for you, but how do you refuel a soul unrested by angst.

Jesus said if we are weary to come to Him and He will give us rest (Mt. 11:28).

When I come to Jesus, it looks like this: I get outside. No agenda, just out.  

I have a dynamic play list of songs. If there is music, it’s this play list.

I am persnickety about what I read. Literature elevates my soul into noble ideas.

Our souls are eternal. Plato believed they were intended to fly. Jesus knew they needed rest and refueling. First, we must come to Him.

If you are prone to worry, here are some additional thoughts.



Not Too Forward


Anger and Hostility