Under His Wings

The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord, He is their strength in time of trouble. And the Lord helps them, and delivers them, He delivers them from the wicked, and saves them, Because they take refuge in Him (Psalm 37:39-40).

As I walked out of the house this morning, I noticed a tiny, yellow flower growing out of the crack in our driveway. I have to admit that my first thought went something like this: How in the world did it sprout up in the middle of my concrete driveway? Just what I need—another thing to take care of when I get home tonight!

And then something happened. This soft, loving thought came to my mind: Stop for a just a minute and enjoy my love present to you. I know that you love flowers, especially yellow ones.

I don't know how you would respond, but I was embarrassed and humbled. I was embarrassed that the first thoughts that I had about that tiny flower were of irritation and inconvenience. And I was humbled because the God of this universe took the time to reveal His love for me to me. And, you know what? He showed me His love for me in spite of my response to His loving gesture!

He tells me that if I want His salvation—His strength in time of trouble—His help—His deliverance, then I must take refuge in Him. These things are found nowhere else but under His wings, in His love.

Lord, I've never been surrounded by soft wings. I really don't know how that would feel. Maybe like your daddy's lap, or snuggling under the covers when it's awfully cold in the bedroom, or like a feather bed, or sitting in a dark car looking out at a rainstorm that has stopped the traffic.

I can imagine it, though . . . the warmth, the softness, the feeling of safety and security. Why, oh why, do I rush around outside being buffeted by the angry elements, afraid and struggling, depending on my strength and my wisdom to protect me and mine? I remember You cried one time because people refused to come nestle, to let You take care of them. Lord, lift Your wings . . . I'm crawling under.

What in the world do you do with this kind of love? You accept it for yourself and then pass it along!