Triple Threat Grace

In football, a triple-threat tailback can run, pass and even quick-kick the ball. Ron was one such player. His team could've won four national championships, but everyone was so enchanted by his running that they never realized he was also a great passer and kicker. The greatest triple-threat player in the history of football was just waiting to be discovered.

Ron's story has a Christian parallel. You see, it's wonderful to be forgiven of our sins, but do your realize that with your salvation your identity changed? God now calls you a saint. And not only this, you're also empowered by the Spirit of Christ who longs to express His life through you.

As a believer, Christ is now your life. Crank up the music! Throw a party! Sing it loud! You can celebrate this truth on Easter more than any other holiday. Christ has risen. How does that affect us? Because our life comes from his life. Our new life in Him has risen with him. That makes us champs through Him. Are you allowing Christ to be the source of your life? Is He your Triple-Threat Champ?