The Incredibles!

It is I who made the earth,
and created man upon it.
I stretched out the heavens with My hands.
And I ordained all their host.

- Isaiah 45:12

in-cred-i-ble (adj.) - Seeming too unreal to be possible

If you were to ask Bill what verse in the Bible strikes him as just incredible, I think he would say the first part of Isaiah 1:18: "Come now, and let us reason together," that's what God says . . .." And Bill would say: "That He would actually invite ME to sit down and talk with Him? That's incredible!"

One of my "incredibles" is Matthew 10:29: "Not one sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it." A tiny, little, insignificant sparrow! One among billions! And they do nothing but chirp! They aren't beautiful; their song is limited; they can irritate you by building their nest in the bluebird box; they aren't the object of studies like humming birds or butterflies. They are just...sparrows.

When I went out this morning to give "my" birds fresh water there was something that brought tears to my eyes: Lying on the dirt in the flowerbed was a Blue Jay. It feathers were still bright blue and it still had that crown on its head that makes him pretty bossy, but it was dead. I derived some comfort from that incredible verse about the sparrows. Someone else has chosen that verse as special and written these words: "His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me."

Jesus goes on to say, "If I am that concerned about a tiny bird--and I just told you that I am--why can you not accept what I tell you about my love and concern for you?"

John 3:16 is incredible. "God loved us so much that He allowed His Son to suffer and die a horrible, shameful death that we might not have to die, but would have life eternally" (my paraphrase). There's the sparrow theme again--He watches over us to that extreme. Would you label that "incredible?"

He loves ME--unconditionally! He actually lives inside of me now to face life with all of its complexities and pain for me. He is with me--every second of the day. Incredibles!

I am confident that you have your own incredibles. The question that is ever before us is this: Do I believe Him? Either He is able to bring these incredibles into my life and make them real to me, or He is a liar and an imposter--a loathsome con-artist. Which do you say He is? Me, too! Isn't that just incredible?