Lifetime Ministries

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The End from the Beginning

Tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start, and the resumption of business as usual. Except for the 24 hours in between.

To ease us into 2020 there is football to watch, Christmas decorations to put away, and the fortuitous meal of pork, greens, and black-eye peas. After this, it is a return to normalcy.

At the end of the first, the shrubs will not be lit and the lamp will be back in the window currently occupied by the Christmas tree. As is my custom, I will sit in my chair and rehearse my resolve.

The rhythm of my refrain goes something like this:

Father God, it is my determination to soar with you. I have little interest in you walking with me. I know you do, and I’m grateful, but my heart’s desire is to engage your life, not lose altitude over the distraction of this life. You designed my soul to soar with you. Please give wing to this shared dream. Here’s to us, Father. Amen

Lifetime Ministries exists to help you realize your heart’s desire. You can listen and watch here. You can read here. You can not miss a thing by subscribing here. You can participate here—and that would be a tremendous help.

As Captain Picard would say, “Engage!”

See you on the other side.