Always noise.
Chirping, buzzing, ringing; dinging, vibrating pockets.
Visual noise. Pop up. Auto play. Ads.
Prayer is broken by music. Music is broken by a voiced prayer. Your prayer broken by amen.
I wake up in the night—to noise outside, and now in my head.
On my patio: a helicopter is overhead, neighbors are organizing. Dogs. Oh, the dogs bark.
Blue screens, brain noise. Television, attention deficit. Ear buds drown out solitude and texts sabotage thought.
Noise, noise.
Our Older Brother, Jesus, was famous for stealing away to secure quiet with our Father, God. He went to isolated places, sought solitude, went into the wilderness, in the dark.
It’s hard to talk over noise. It’s much harder to listen.
“God is alone,” Thoreau said, “but the Devil, he is far from being alone; he is legion.”
In quietness and confidence is your strength (Is. 30:15). Be quiet. Shh. Listen. Let your soul wait in silence for God (Ps. 62:1).
You don’t find solitude. You create it and it is essential.
Start with this model.