Mere Man

"When I look up into the night skies and see the work of Your fingers-the moon and the stars you have made - I cannot understand how You can bother with mere puny man, to pay any attention to him!" (Ps. 8:33-4 TLB)

I take the dog out every night just before we "hit the hay" and let him get everything done that he needs to do--run the fences, explore the yard, and scare off any intruders, plus necessary body functions.

While he does his thing, I do mine. I look up--a mere puny man. But God doesn't see me as a "mere puny man." And I'm not a "bother" to Him. Oh, no. He loves me so much that He died for me and now I belong to Him. I'm the apple of His eye.

He's constantly watching over me and listening for the slightest distress whisper that I might make. In fact, He's standing there with me-looking up at His creation and so pleased that I am impressed. "Thank You, Lord, for creating the heavens and all the stars and the moon." What a huge panorama of God's handiwork! It isn't just everyday grace, is it? It's every night grace. Or could we call it every moment grace?


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A Father's Love