Lifetime Ministries

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Make it Mine

Last week I wrote to you about personal worth. I touched a nerve—I heard from you.

I’m sorry about the tender place in your soul. In a perfect world you wouldn’t have that pain.

But the world is flawed, fallen far from Eden into a realm of worthless wandering (Gen. 4:16).

But even there—there is no place ungracious enough to evade your heavenly Father’s reach.

You know this, but how do you take it deep inside your soul?

One lady wrote to say she was going to read the article every day. Until she believed her worth.

A judge wrote to say he sees Lady Justice each day, enshrined in his courtroom. Her visage reminds him of his true worth.

An addicted friend carries an acorn in his pocket. All that addiction ruined, God has redeemed. The acorn reminds him.

Your worth is declared and valued.

What can you do to take this valuation into your soul?

One idea: Listen here and take the message to heart.