Lifetime Ministries

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Living Beyond Ourselves

Limitations. Boxes. Narrow perspectives. Closed minds. This is a short list of our soul's enemies. All of us want to be involved with something larger than we are. We all want to contribute to a cause greater than ourselves and be part of a lasting legacy.

For some, they seek to establish greatness by building a corporation. Others erect statues. Many accrue wealth. For others, it is seeing their name perpetuated with a plaque, a resume, or a trophy case. Being involved in a noble cause inspires some to make sacrifices. Influencing people motivates others. In varying degrees, all of us want to be part of something great, and in so doing, seize upon the quest to live beyond ourselves.

There is something in each of us that longs to be a contributor. Everyone wants to believe that if he fails to give something of himself the world will be a poorer place. We are created in our Father's image, and at the core of His heart, Father is a giver of grand and extravagant gifts. We want to follow in His footsteps.

Do you recall Jesus' words in Acts 1:8? “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Notice the ever-widening circle of influence: Jerusalem (local), Judea and Samaria (neighbors and regions), and the most remote parts of the earth.

By depending on Christ to live his powerful life through us, we have the opportunity to live beyond ourselves and leave a legacy larger and grander than ourselves. In so doing, we not only see inside our own hearts, but when we lift our eyes, we see a vision that challenges us to live beyond our own needs. It offers the opportunity to fix our gaze on an eternal horizon that knows no limitations. It lets us hear in our spirits and souls the compulsion of God's grace. It affords the opportunity to emulate our Father and give of ourselves extravagantly.