Lifetime Ministries

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Is There Reign In Your Forecast?

Many Christians view salvation as an eternal retirement plan. Sometimes they get a little bored with Christianity and wonder if Heaven will be boring too.

Need a lift? As the Southwest Airlines commercial says, "Wanna get away?"

Here's Jesus' jump-start, "He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne" (Rev. 3:21). While you were in school you probably wondered at times if this education thing was worth the effort. Now that you're reaping the fruit of your sacrifice you're thankful you persevered.

Earth is a training-for-eternal-reigning school. "Overcomers" will reign with Jesus, but there's a catch. Only those who overcome using Jesus' M.O. will be invited to sit on His bench. How did He live? He trusted God to do it THROUGH Him (John 14:10). How can you qualify? By trusting Christ to do it THROUGH you.