Lifetime Ministries

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I voted Tuesday. It’s important.

I try hard to stay informed. Pay attention, read, listen, inquire.

Jeepers. I went in the wrong door, then out the entrance when I left the parking area. For my effort to be informed, I was astounded at how many candidates I’d never heard of.

They spent loads of money to be noticed. Got their message out. But I didn’t know so many of them.

Who were these people?

Not in a contrived way, but I wondered about God. He’s invested a lot, gone to great lengths to be known. Shared His message. He doesn’t care if I come in the out or go out the in. He just wants me to pay attention and participate.

Who is this God?

He’s running for a seat—a seat at my table, a seat on the throne of my life, a seat in my awareness. It’s important to Him.

Here are additional thoughts about diligence.